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Welcome! My name is Mrs.G and I started this blog so people could share in my mis-adventures in wedding planning. I married my southern gentleman on September 6th, 2009. Throughout our courtship I became enamored with everything southern and desperately want to become a steel magnolia.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

My goings on.

Well hello there.

I just remembered that I had a blog... not really I remembered. And I have been avoiding it because I have been a busy bee and a boring....bug? Is that the insect equivalent? Go with it.

life at the G house hold is pretty bor-ing, which a touch of blah. I think I am coming down with something but I refuse to acknowledge it... except for right then.

Last week I started Bible study and I had an midterm, WHICH I ROCKED!!

Yeah that's right, I am becoming an expert in marriage and family relations. It was weird though on the mid term when it asked why this type of stimuli was important to some people of body image issues.
A. Masturbation
B. Sexual Intercourse
C. Falito
D. Sexual Fantasy

I am not in even kidding, this was an actual question on my mid term.

Ok on to the bible study. I am knew to my faith, not a faith in particular but new to the whole concept in general. The past bible studies I have done have been great and helped me a lot. This one though, is hard.

I know it is the lady who is leading us, and this week will be someone new, but doing the home work this week was rough. Because I am new to faith and went for so long with out my beliefs are now blended in to my own special mix. I know a persons life experience can drastically impact their faith and for her she had it rough an abusive manic depressive husband who later committed suicide, a son that wants nothing to to with her, a daughter in lawn that passed suddenly, a past that included a relationship with a married man. She had a life changing ah ha moment, which brought her to her faith.

I have always had trouble with people that preach at me, and not to me. One's who make me feel wrong or bad for what I believe because that's not what is written in the bible, or that isn't God's word. I know what I believe is outside traditional Christian thinking, but I still have faith, I still believe in God, but sometimes it isn't good enough for some people and that is how I felt with her.

I did learn from her though, and that is what is important right?

Welp that is about all I have right now. I have a mid term this weekend, and 2 papers due next week... yay.

oh, and the answer to the question was Sexual Fantasy.

Much Love, Ladies!!!!

1 comment:

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