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Welcome! My name is Mrs.G and I started this blog so people could share in my mis-adventures in wedding planning. I married my southern gentleman on September 6th, 2009. Throughout our courtship I became enamored with everything southern and desperately want to become a steel magnolia.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The In Laws

They are coming up tomorrow. And I am actually getting excited.

One thing I am not excited house isn't finished yet.


We only have our room to finish tonight and one more load of laundry and then I will have the time to sit and dwell on the what else I can clean. It has been a stressful weekend and week thus far. Hubs thinks I am taking it over board, and when I told him how the house looks reflects on the woman he scoffed and said that we are in a different time of equality.... HA!

I laughed in his face. I said "good point, WE are from a time of equaility, they aren't" I reminded him that in this new age his mom still does 99% of the house work (his words), and when her mother in law comes she still goes out of her way to make the house look extra special, even after 30 + years of marriage.

Silly Hubs.

He has been a termendous help this week though, so kudos to him.

*thought* because my house is so clean maybe I will take you on a phot tour.... I will ponder this.

We have a lot on tap from them: dinner at Schmidts, Dinner at Bucca, the Franklin Park Conservatory, Dinner at my dad's, the dublin Irish festvial, maybe COSI. Lot's of fun stuff.

Pics of the family weekend to come.

1 comment:

  1. I always scrub a dub dub my house when anyone comes over, especially inlaws.
