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Welcome! My name is Mrs.G and I started this blog so people could share in my mis-adventures in wedding planning. I married my southern gentleman on September 6th, 2009. Throughout our courtship I became enamored with everything southern and desperately want to become a steel magnolia.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

hairy situation

Ladies, I need your help.

My hair is in dire need of a change.

And I have a drastic on in mind.

My hair is stick straight... that is an understatement. It is hell bent (ha, no pun intended) on being straight all day everyday. Since I can remember I have longed for a wave or a curl... something.  I have done everything but chemically alter it in a desperate attempt to have "romantic" hair.

This is my hair now, just not this long.. yet, I am working on it:

So what if I did... chemically alter it.

Yes ladies I am considering  a drastic change, a perm.

not this:
I mean this:  Ok that is an understatement, I AM HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH THIS HAIR!!!!

Does anyone have experience with stick straight hair, moving to curly?

Does anyone have experience with a perm?


  1. I have naturally curly hair so I am of no help though some days I wish my hair was straight instead of curly.

  2. Doing the curlygirl method has worked for me... it took a little while to get the hang of it and get my hair to understand what was going on...
