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Welcome! My name is Mrs.G and I started this blog so people could share in my mis-adventures in wedding planning. I married my southern gentleman on September 6th, 2009. Throughout our courtship I became enamored with everything southern and desperately want to become a steel magnolia.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thinking positive.

There are two HUGE life altering possibilities in my near future that are weighing on my every thought. Those thoughts I am desperately trying to keep positive.

#1: School
Now that my mom is living with Hubs and I the conversation arose dealing with my schooling. You see, this quarter I have to leave early from work 2 days a week, which work was not happy about, and that is just the start. For the program I am entering in to I will need to enter a two quarter nurse practitioner course that will require me be in class/ clinicals for most of the day.
I sat down with husband and told him this and, with my all or nothing mentality, told him that if I couldn't continue with school after winter quarter I didn't want to continue at all. He doesn't want to see me stop my studies and neither does my mom, and myself for that matter. But as I told him, we can want me to be in school all day long but of the funds aren't there I can't do it.
So we crunched some numbers and my wonderful mother offered to help. If this happens I will be turning in my resignation letter late February. Those few words
rank among favorites right behind "will you marry me?" and "I do". I have been working at my current job going on 6 years, yes it puts bread on the table but it is a far cry from what I want to do. This was supposed to be an in between school and my career but life got in the way. The. A few months ago we got word of some vendors dropping us as a distributor and others pulling out as well and you could feel the fear rising. The possibility of lay offs has taken this already poor morale crew and turned it just plain cut throat, so the idea of walking away to something better is more than tantalizing.

#2 Baby:
Yes we are still trying, have been for 17 months last count and this is the last cycle force are tying since I am going back to school but I still remain hopeful. To tell you the truth I am looking forward to a break from the heart break of it all. I think I am going to dedicate a post to my year of trying unsuccessfully for a baby, so look forward to that. Anyway, because this is the last cycle for awhile I am staying positive that maybe this what THE cycle to take. If I am pregnant I am still not going to give up on school but it maybe pushed back 9 months.

So there you go. My two possibilities.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I hope you can continue your studies, I regret walking away from mine but hopefully one day I'll get back to it.
