The baby is as big as: A large cantaloupe
Maternity clothes? yes but something I noticed is I can still wear a majority of my pre-preggo tops. I don't know if that is a good thing or that subconsciously I have always been dressing like I was pregnant...
Stretch marks? starting to form, but so far they aren't too bad, I think my lotion regime is working, for now.
How I am feeling: LAWD! I am getting so very uncomfortable. About 3pm everyday little girl has had ENOUGH of me sitting and demands that I get up, which is fine but when I stand up I need to pee, and if I sit she does her finest Muhammad Ali impression but bunching any nerve or organ she can get too.
Best moment this week?: We got our Travel system and husband put it together and started pushing it around the house. He is getting the nervous excited but good lord is he adorable with baby stuff.
Movement?: Yes but she is quieting down more now, I am not sure if she going through a growth spurt or what but she isn't as active as she was last week.
Food cravings?: Chipotle, and then when I got it I almost ralphed it up but I didn't...WINNING!
Gender?: GIRL!
Labor Signs?: There was a point this week where I was actually having what I thought were contractions. The pain was radiating in my lower back and my stomach was hard as a rock and I could barely sit from the amount of pressure in my pelvis. I am still not convinced but my mom said that's what they were and will deny it. Baby girl needs to cook a little longer.
Belly Button in or out?: still an innie, but when I lay on my back it is almost flush. I think I may make it out of this pregnancy without having a turkey timer belly button
What I miss: Not being HOT all the effing time. I mean before I got pregnant I was hot all the time, and now that I am pregnant I am even hotter all the time. It's a problem...
What I am looking forward to: Baby shower next weekend!
Weekly Wisdom: DRINK YOUR WATER!!! I am so bad at staying on top of my water consumption on the weekends and with this past weekend being a long one it was pretty bad come Wednesday at my doc appointment, I was so dehydrated my Doc almost sent me to the ER for fluids but because of the time of my appointment and my normal daily schedule being out of whack she didn't. I did have to call the office the next day and tell them how much water I consumed.
Milestones: I finally moved back in to my marital bedroom! I had been sleeping in the guest room because I flop around constantly trying to get comfy and it brought distress. Also the hotness issue was a problem, poor husband was freezing and actually caught a cold from me sleeping with the window open in the winter. But after months away I am back and can say that it went really well last night.